Medical Marijuana and Chron’s Disease
what is chrons disease? In this article, we are going to discuss chron’s disease and we are also gonna answer if medical marijuana can really treat this disease.
There is a growing awareness of alternative treatments for chronic diseases. Many patients are searching for natural remedies as a means of supplementing their current conventional treatments. 420 Doctors are setting out to prescribe medical marijuana to treat certain health conditions like chron’s disease. Many sufferers are pursuing medical marijuana for Crohn’s disease for a cure.
What is Chrons Disease?
Crohn’s disease is an incurable chronic disease of the intestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, fever, rectal bleeding, skin and eye irritations, and diarrhea. Crohn’s disease is one of the two main types of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The other type is ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease affects the lining of the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Crohn’s disease causes severe pain, and in rare cases, is life-threatening.
Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation throughout various parts of the digestive tract from the mouth to the rectum. While it can affect each patient differently, it most commonly affects the part of the GI tract where the small intestine joins the colon. The inflammation can be so severe that it develops within the deepest layers of the intestinal tissues.
Crohn’s disease is a debilitating and painful disease that can cause fatal complications in some cases. It’s characterized by periods of flare-ups and remission. Flare-ups are periods where inflammation is at its highest and symptoms are most painful hope this answers your question on “ what is Crohn’s disease ”.
Check out our article about the “Medical Benefits of Marijuana” to know more about marijuana.
Medical Cannabis for Crohn’s Disease
Cannabis has many well-known benefits in treating chron’s disease symptoms. Cannabis contains over 60 different compounds, many of which have properties that can be applied in a medicinal capacity. Two of the known compounds that provide health benefits are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Tetrahydrocannabinol is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis which is accountable for delivering mind-altering effects. CBD is responsible for other health benefits. Some of the cannabis health benefits that address Crohn’s disease affects and symptoms are included below:
- Reducing inflammation through anti-inflammatory properties
- Providing pain relief through analgesic effects
- Lowering levels of anxiety
- Suppressing nausea and vomiting
- Increasing appetite
Researchers got many connections between cannabis and Crohn’s disease treatment. Numerous studies indicate cannabis is an efficient way to alleviate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Here are three separate studies that have yielded encouraging results for Crohn’s disease patients seeking alternative therapies:
1. Cannabis Alleviates Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease: O’Shaughnessy’s, a scientific journal, published a 2005 study, “Cannabis Alleviates Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease,” that reported that patients saw significant improvements with the use of cannabis. The study examined 12 questionnaires completed by Crohn’s disease patients. The participants were asked about their experience using cannabis on an ad-lib basis (at their leisure). They described improvements or changes to their signs and symptoms by rating them on a scale from zero to ten. For each sign or symptom evaluated, the patients described marked improvements in appetite, pain, nausea, vomiting, depression, fatigue and activity levels.
2. Cannabis as a Remedy for Chronic Colonic Inflammation: In 2004, the Journal of Clinical Investigation announced a research titled “The Endogenous Cannabinoid System Protects Against Colonic Inflammation”. It described that medical marijuana is a powerful anti-inflammatory that “portrays a promising remedial target for the treatment of intestinal disease conditions identified by extreme incendiary responses.”
If you are thinking about buying a medical marijuana card online, here is our guide: “How to apply for a medical marijuana card online“
3. Cannabis Enhances Disease Activity: In 2011, the Israel Medical Association Journal published an investigation administered at the Meir Hospital and Kupat Holim Clinic. The study, “Treatment of Crohn’s Disease with Cannabis: An Observational Study,” examined 30 Crohn’s disease victims who consumed cannabis. All patients said that they felt as though consuming cannabis decreased their disease activity. Twenty-one of the patients showed significant improvement in disease activity, including a reduction in symptoms and signs such as lowered frequency of bowel movements.
The study’s authors had several proposed explanations for the improvement, including the anti-inflammatory benefits of cannabinoids as well as the general sense of well-being that consuming cannabis provides.
Medical marijuana is an affordable, effective and natural alternative medicine that has helped thousands of Crohn’s disease patients. If you or someone you love is suffering from Crohn’s disease and would like to find out if medical marijuana is the right treatment, book an appointment with our qualified physician through Medcardnow today. Let us help to improve your quality of life! Here we complete our article on What is Chron’s disease.
This information is not provided by medical professionals and is intended only to complement, and not to replace or contradict, any health or medical advice or information provided by healthcare professionals. If you have any questions, please contact with us or any other healthcare professional.