Medical Marijuana For Migraines
Migraines are the third most prevalent severe condition worldwide, casing intense shuddering pain & a beating sensation one of the side of the head. The extremely severe pain can remain for hours to many days & it can debilitate your physical condition interfering with your daily activities. A physiological change happens in the brain emerging a significant pain & other related symptoms.
Symptoms of Migraines
Many symptoms indicate Migraines. Which often begin in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood, usually can progress through four stages. They are:
● Prodrome ( constipation, increased thirst & urination, neck stiffness, mood change).
● Aura ( vision loss, weakness, disturbed by music or noise).
● Headache ( pain in both sides of the head, sensitivity to light, sound, touch & smell, nausea, vomiting).
● Post-drome (feeling confused, uneasy about moving the head).
Can We Use Marijuana to Prevent Migraines?
Medical Marijuana is researched in California by scientists, and it has found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the premier component of marijuana, has the quality to soothe severe pain. Other associated symptoms and about 40% of medical marijuana patients have confirmed the benefits of its effectiveness. Different kinds of migraines can be prevented by medical marijuana.
Types of Migraines
● Migraine Without Aura
● Migraine With Aura
● Vestibular Migraine
● Retinal Migraine
● Migraine With Brainstem Aura
● Abdominal Migraine
● Menstrual Migraine
● Hemiplegic Migraine
How does marijuana work to treat migraines?
Marijuana is another name for cannabis, a bushy plant which used to make paper, rope, and different products.
Inside your brain and other parts of your body, you’ve got a chain of cannabinoid receptors. These are tiny loops of protein that influence how you are feeling pain or anxiety.
Marijuana has natural composites called cannabinoids. Once you use it, these cannabinoids enter your body and look for the receptors. They change how the receptors operate and that they can settle down pain signals. Cannabinoids can also help with nausea, muscle spasms, or other health-related problems.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is that the cannabinoid in marijuana that gets a large portion of the consideration. It’s what causes you to feel high or relaxed. That said, another product made up of cannabis called cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t cause you to feel intoxicated and should help ease the pain. Several states have legalized CBD use for medical reasons.
The fruitfulness of Medical Marijuana in the Treatment of Migraines
Medical Marijuana is sanctioned by most of the states of the U.S., including California, in the early treatment of migraines, which has assumed by lots of marijuana patients. A recent survey can explain its fruitfulness wonderfully
● We have gotten a 40% positive response.
● The migraines patients have lessened from 10.4% to 4.6% after consuming marijuana.
● About 19.8% of medical marijuana patients have said that it’s helped them minimizing chronic migraine problems.
● 11.6% of patients have claimed to be cured totally after consuming it.
● The migraines are getting fewer day by day by continuing medical marijuana, and it is reported by 85% of the total patients.
The Way of Getting Medical Marijuana for Preventing Migraines Problem
For using medical marijuana preventing migraines, firstly, you need to research the “Cannabis Law” in your state if it’s allowed in your state. Then you can follow the next steps. There are some qualifying conditions you have to maintain to apply for the medical marijuana card. They are like:
● you have to be a valid resident of that state.
● You must be an adult.
● It would be best if you were diagnosed by a severe debilitating physical condition that has made you unstable for daily life.
After meeting up these conditions, then you will be approved to apply, and here you have to follow some easy steps:
● Register yourself as a marijuana patient in the Health Department of your state online.
● Take the appointment of a licensed doctor who will recommend and sign on behalf of you to the Health Department.
● Fill up some necessary information about yourself and provide your ID card, current photograph, certification of your residency, and then pay the cost by credit card.
Get a marijuana med card online
To get a medical cannabis card online, first, you need to create an account at MED CARD NOW. Get started by visiting Med Card now, click Apply Now or Get Started button and answer a few questions about yourself. Your privacy is our top concern. Your information is secure and private with our 100% HIPAA compliant system.
Marijuana’s potential as a treatment for migraines is rising day by day. There are many anecdotes which are describing its use in migraine. That’s why people are frequently looking at cannabis as a treatment for migraines.
So, in this way, you can be a legal, medical marijuana patient & can use it easily to foreclose your migraines.